The Castello Sforzesco (The Sforza Castle) is one of Milan's famous landmarks medieval fortess located in Milan. Originally built in the 15th century by Francesco Sforza, Duke of Milan. on the remnants of a 14th-century fortification. Later renovated and enlarged, in the 16th and 17th centuries it was one of the largest citadels in Europe.
In Piazza Castello at the main entrance of Sforza Casle is located a historic fountain also known as Torta degli Sposi. It was called by the Milanese for its shape slightly similar to a wedding cake. It was built during the fascist era and is a popular meeting point.
The museum of the Castello Sforzesco are indeed numerous to see are the following: Museo d'Arte Antica, il Museo Pietà Rondanini (where Michelangelo's unfinished masterpiece is located), la Pinacoteca, il Museo Egizio, il Museo della Preistoria e Protostoria, il Museo delle Arti Decorative e il Museo degli Strumenti Musicali.
In The Sala delle Asse, is the location of a painting in tempera on plaster by Leonardo da Vinci. Leonardo worked at the Catle as a military and civil engineer and only later as an artist.
You can go inside and see museums like I did and of course you have to pay or you can just stroll the oudoor of the castle and enjoy its beauty for zero admision.
A few steps behind of the walls of Castello Sforzesco there is in the large Parco Sempione, the green lung of the city is a popular place to picnic, exercise, cycle or just strolling through in a peaceful environment and looking around.
In the Parco Sempione which is located in the center of Milan there is the panoramic Torre Branca (Tower Branca) in iron is 108.6 m high, the work of Gio Ponti was an architect, a designer and an artist. The tower can be visited and from the top you can admire the surrounding panoramic view. A the edge of this magnificent park is locate The Arch of Peaces.
I am sharing with you my adventures by exploring the main attraction of The Sforzesca Castle and Sempione Parklocated in the center of Milan. The attractions listed are an introductory overview and will give an idea to those who want to visit the mediaval Sforzesco Caste in center of Milan - La Bella Italia!
• Castello Sforzesco
• Historic fountain
• The museum of the Castello Sforzesco
• Parco Sempione
• Tower Branca
• The Arch of Peaces
Milano Tour #2 Sforzesco Castle Walking Tour Milan, Lombardy Italy

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