West Coast Trail - Vancover Island, British Columbia, Canada
The West Coast Trail is an incredibly beautiful hike that takes you to the shadow of the First Peoples.
West Coast Trail (WCT)) is a 75km north (from Pacheena bay near Bamfield to the south (Port Renfrew) or vice versa. The north part has much more flat sections than the south part which is notoriously challenging. Thew WCT is a 5 to 7 day backpacking route that winds its way through temperate rain forests along beaches, cliffs and sandstone. The route was originally called a lifesaver route and this is still suitable.
Being a demanding route (it is a combination of moderate and difficult routes), it requires careful preparation and planning which is important for this type of excursion since you carry everything in your backpack. Prepare for heavy rains where the paths will be muddy. Do not expect that you will have the sun every day!
WCT is a breathtaking Pacific Rim National Park experience. Obviously the physical side will be intense, but being mentally prepared is also very important in achieving your goal.
You will often encounter difficulties and the possibility that not everything will run smoothly. The WCT can be very difficult and dangerous ... it is not important how much experience you can have if you are careful.
How many evacuations on the path each year and where can you be saved?
Generally there are around 100 evacuations from the path every year due to injuries. There are few places where you can be rescued: you will need to reach an evacuation point if you need help and there are three of these points. One option for rescue is to reach a lighthouse in both directions, of which they will provide food and help. The other option for rescue comes from the coast where patrol zodiacs can offer rescue. In the various challenges of the WCT first aid must be very precise.
So in my experience, caution is always your priority. The backpack is not light and the ground is always different :)
How many stairs, bridges and cable cars are there on the West Coast Trail?
70 stairs and 130 bridges and four cable cars require hikers to cross deep ravines and navigate the wilderness.
Orientation Trail West Coast Sessions?
Any hiker who heads to the West Coast Trail must participate in an orientation session. On orientation, a park ranger will provide a section by section detail of how the route will be based on current conditions, information on safety, tides and wildlife. You will also learn something about the history of the trail and the local people of the First Nations who have lived in the area since time immemorial. Orientations last approximately 1 hour.
What do you see on the trip?
An adventure through the heart of the centuries-old trees, slipping in the mud, going up / down steep stairs, crossing sheer canals, swamps, crossing rivers using cable cars, dodging exposed roots and walking on various types of terrain (sandy beaches and above the rocks , stones and some steep and slippery slopes and / or slippery of any type of grass, or mixture of rocks and grass, mud or rock and debris). Along the way you will have the opportunity to possibly see sea lions, wolves, cougars, bears black, birds of various types, killer whales, gray whales and other wild animals.
What emotions does WCT give?
It is difficult to describe the emotion of this backpacking. what I can say is a real discovery with yourself walking with a backpack in complete autonomy for hours and days when the holiday becomes a journey. Being surrounded by nature thus becomes the symbol of the journey towards our personal fulfillment.
Is it never enough for me?
I have traveled the WCT four times and each time they were full of completely different and rewarding emotions. Yes, I am ready to do it again. Everything is a magnificent excursion every day, a completely rewarding experience for the hiker. !

Trekking from the North from Pachena Bay near Bamfield to the South Trail (Gordon River) Port Renfrew
Day 1: Pachena Bay to Tsocowis Creek
Day 2: Tsocowis Creek to Tsusiat Falls
Day 3: Tsusiat Falls to Cribs Creek
Day 4: Cribs Creek to Cullite Creek
Day 5: Cullite Creek to Thrasher Cove
Day 6: Thrasher Cove to Gordon River
Trekking from the north from Pachena Bay near Bamfield to the south from Port Renfrew.
Day 1: Pachena Bay to Darling River
Day 2: Darling River to Klanawa River
Day 3: Klanawa River to After Tsuquadra Pt
Day 4: After Tsuquadra Pt to Cribs Creek
Day 5: Cribs Creek to Logan Creek
Day 6: Logan Creek to Camper Bay
Day 7:Camper Bay to Gorden River
Here i stareted at The Gorden River

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