Seymour Valley Trailway Loop Cycle Ride North Vancouver, British Columbia Canada Added (07/2021)

Seymour Valley Trailway is located In The Lower Seymour Conservation Reserve Cycle Ride Nord Vancouver British Columbia. It is Paved road long 12 Kilometres up the Seymour River Valley to the Seymour Dam. It is a road with no cars only bicycles, skaters and walkers. It is a paradise place for the North Shore. It has so many trails and route is very hilly, steep in some sections, rougher terrain and board bridges.
Time from 2 - 4 hours for the loop.
Rice Lake is still locate at The Lower Seymour Conservation is a peaceful loop trail for walking, running and aslo popular fishing spot around the lake. It is 3 km trail and take 1 Hour.
Old Trail is a bike and walk trail in The Seymour Valley is a spectacular gravel trail with amazing Old grow Trees full of Douglas and Cedars Trees. A graet rugged scenery! It is about 2.6 Km trail.
Seymour Falls Dam is located at the end of the Seymour Valley Trailway.
Seymour Fish Hatchery is at the end of Seymour Trailway.
Fisherman's Trail and the New Twin Bridges Suspension Bridge is a loop hike in the Lower Seymour Conservation Reserve .
Spur 4 Road is on the east side of the Seymour River. A real adventure and less popular dirt'gravel trail in the wild! It can be used in both directions. Few Movies filmed there ( Eureka, The 100, Once Upon a Tume, The X-Files, Fringe, The Revenant, Dirk Gently's Holistic Agency, Big Sky and Human Target.
In this part of the trail we saw two black bears crossing our path twice and we talked loudly and slowly backed up so they realised we were there and then both times they left our path and disappeared into the dense forest of vegetation. Obviously, any time you see a bear or cougar, you don’t race away. That almost guarantees that they will chase!
Time: From 2 - 4 hours for the loop.
Rice Lake is still locate at The Lower Seymour Conservation