#3 Bicycle Touring in Europe of 2,640 Km

Another bicycle tour offers another experience in Europe that has so much to offer among wonderful and unforgettable places to discover, to enjoy the most fantastic experience by bicycle in an eco-sustainable way, combining culture with a great variety of landscapes, unique places and freedom.

So here is my third bicycle tours that was very different from the others I have made in that it was not a tour in which we traveled many kilometres by bike it is a journey, an adventure between one island and another with many ferry connections that take hours, but it is however, also very nice to sail and it is an advantage to see different panoramic views from the ferry!

This journey involves crossing Italy from North to South including Greece starting from Milan, the place where I was born and then arriving in Genoa and with the various ferry connections pedalling the islands of Corsica (France), Sardinia (Italy), Sicily (Italy) and then arriving at the Strait of Messina (Italy) with another ferry to Reggio Calabria (Italy) located in southern Italy, and continuing along the north-west coast of Calabria until arriving in Taranto in Puglia ( Italy) and from there inland to Brindisi (Italy). Then, from Brindisi, a long ferry trip (17 hours) to Patras, Greece.

From Brindisi where an another ferry takes us to Patras, Greece, then cycling along the coast to reach Athens. After Athens, another ferry to the greek islands of Paros and Santorini. After having visited these islands, we returned by ferry to Athens and by train to Patras where we embarked by ship to Trieste. Arrived in Trieste, Italy and continuing the tour by bicycle passing through Venice and other cities including Verona and San Sirmione to arrive in Milan.

This cycling trip is different from the others made in that it was not a trip in which we traveled many kilometres by bike and instead it is a journey; an adventure between one island and another with many ferry connections that take hours, but it is also very nice to sail and it is an advantage to see different panoramic views from the ferry!

Info of Areas crossed:

Corsica/La Corse is part of France and is the fourth largest island in the Mediterranean, having a rich culture, history such as Napoleone Bonaparte who had his birthplace place here and was the first french emperor after the French Revolution. Corsica is a sea vista dominated and green island is called "the mountain in the middle of the sea" and is nicknamed "Île de beauté". It is famous for its pristine beaches and coastline and mountainous landscape.

Sardinia is known for having some of the best beaches, turquoise sea and fascinating rock formations.The surrounding area is also rich in history and culture and also rich in wildlife such as Weasel, Wild Boar, Sardinian Deer, Golden Eagles, Wildcat, Donkey, Fallow deer, wild horses that live in the highlands in the wild. The Mouflon is one of the characteristic animals of Sardinia.There are many parks and natural areas to visit. It is an enchanting island!

Sicily is Italy's largest island in the Mediterranean sea. The symbol of Sicily is The Trinacria that comes from the ancient Greek name for Sicily meaning three-pointed (three legs joined at the centre).The triangle-shape island is surrounded by three seas: the Tyrrhenian Sea to the North, the Ionian Sea to the east and the Sicilian Sea to the west and south. And the Strait of Messina separates Sicily from Calabria.

Calabria is the  country's boot-shaped peninsula is less known by tourists but it is really very beautiful and the beaches are less crowded. The Sila National Park is amazing with great views of the mountains and all the other natural beauties and a truly unspoilt corner!

Puglia in this section is from Taranto to Brindisi where we cycled on the fascinating and famous road Via Appia, a fascinating ancient Roman route of the two seas: from the Ionian sea to the Adriatic and is within in the central part of the route in the land of Salento.

The Appian Way, also known as Via Appia, is one of the ancient and most important Roman road (was built in 312 B.C.). It has an important place in history connecting Rome with its distant provinces in southern Italy. It was a connection that started from Rome and to the italian provinces of Lazio, Campania and Puglia.

Greece has many amazing and beautiful landmarks. The Acropolis is one and of course there are also the world-famous gorgeous islands. We visited countless wonders in Greece including its seas, mountains, splendid panoramas, cultures, cities and amazing works of art.

Italy/Venice, we did  some Sightseeing by walking.

Trip info:

Departure place and place of arrival: Milan, Italy

Total days of touring: September, 10 - October, 14

Countries crossed: Italy, France and Greece

Areas crossed: Corse, Sardinia, Sicily, Calabria/LaSila ,Puglia,, Greece and the two Island (Paros and Santorini) and the long sailing on the Adriatic Sea from Patras, Greece to Trieste, Italy

The main mountain pass: Genna Silvana Pass (1,100 m), located in Sardinia, Italy

Duration: 20 days

Rest days: 0 days -  Only Ferry Days

Total distance: 2,640 Km

Map of all tours in Europe

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