The Pacific Coast Bicycle route a journey from Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, and the arrival was in San Diego, in the United States. The tour covered three states of the United States: Washington, Oregon and California.
We left Vancouver heading southbound on the July, 03. Oregon had some cold and rainy days. But by the time we reached California in July it was very hot!!
The route is a beautiful panoramic coastline of the Pacific Ocean with beaches of variety and al are unique from one another. The rolling sand dunes of the inland and the beach dunes are a wonderful place!
The internal landscape can be seen with views of farms, agricultural land, the up and down topography of the hills are images of a unique landscape.
For our trip, we purchased a cycling map from Adventure Cycling Association but we sometimes changed our journey to open up to new possibilities and discover new roads. In all my bike rides I follow my own path: it will always be an authentic and an unexpected addition new roads.
Total days of touring: June, 03 - July, 03
Total day pedaling: 30 Days
Our journey was almost 3000 kilometres.
An Incredible journey and an amazing adventure!
What kind of weather I encounterd?
The journey has been with days of weather changes: winds, sun, rain, fog, heat, cold and so frequent occurrences occur during the day. The influence of the ocean makes every moment an interesting experience. It’s so unbelievable that the constant transformations of time that lead you to cover up or remove different types of clothing seems just like making a fashion show on the street!
What I did like?
The flora and fauna wary widely and the isolated peace to cycle through the Ave Of The Giants was fantastic. Our trip gave us a unique, magical feeling. Yes, just an extraordinary feeling of being so small in the forest!
Where was my accomadations?
In our experiences in all the places where we stayed for the night, locals gave us courtesy and respect.
What was my itinerary?
It was just the enthusiasm of reaching the goal of the journey and all the types of climate changes and the beautiful vistas brought us to San Diego!
What can I say more?
I loved it from the beginning to the end of our journey excepting only some heavy automobile traffic in some parts of the route.
Canada & United States - The Pacific Coast Bicycle Route
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