Bears - We will always be two friends on the same planet
Bears in Whistler, British Columbia Photos by Patrizia

Maskwacîs/Native names

No to the killing of bears. Lets' share the planet with the wldlife! Live and let live!

Bears are magnificent creatures who live solitary lives wandering through their pristine territory. In my experiences meeting them, they have always respected me as I respect them. Let's share the paths of nature together.
In my travels and bicycle tours, I have met them several times. The first was a bear who got up in an unusual way through a path in the woods ... he was not aggressive but wanted to identify his surroundings and was curious. Undoubtedly, he was terrified of me and probably happy not to be a hunter who wanted to kill him for a trophy. The hunter should travel without rifles to remember and respect the fear of an animal. My fear was nothing compared to his fear!
In my backpack in the wild forests I use a bell attached to the backpack. In any case, I look around and especially near the rivers, waterfalls or windy areas, I don't hear any noise and not even the bear would hear me that I'm around. In any case, visual inspection is important in any situation.
While in my excursions they walk looking at the surroundings.
In the wild forest there is a very evident sign: fresh footprints or a bear's stool easy to see from the size and color well defined by the berries. I am even more cautious there.
Another but unique event, seeing a tree shake, in a forest without wind and with a loud noise ... it was a bear that could not be seen, it was in a place of intense forest, leaving a mark on the bark to attract the female just like my dogs or a back massage - irritation or simply wellness maybe a spa for him :)
However on each occasion my reaction was to keep calm without running because the bear could have chased me so I slowly left the path, without blocking its escape. He disappeared through the forest.
What an experience! :)
Another event was when I met the mother bear with her cubs ... in that situation she is ready to defend her cubs just like any parent. I left that place in silence.
One evening, I had the bike lights bright but on the side of the road, without seeing anything in the dark, I heard a loud noise that was a bear that suddenly saw the bear run away in another direction: he was afraid of me.
Even in tents in isolated places I have never had problems because I pay attention: do not put food in a tent, leave food in a cache (metal cupboards) or hang it in a bag on a rope on a tree. Avoiding perfumes, including toothpaste, is important: I don't use perfumed products.
In my moments with nature, my dog is always on a leash to avoid disturbing the natural environment. Furthermore, a dog's curiosity could lead him to run towards the bear, therefore frightened by the bear, the dog would come back to me together with the bear that will chase him - it would be dangerous!
I also want to add ...
Bears in the forest or busy eating their natural food from where they are BUT DO NOT eat humans and will not try not to harm us!
Really, how many people would die? The human is an enemy, not bears and other animals!
The tourist often ready with the camera that comes out of the car to take pictures without thinking about the danger is a problem. Yes, there is a car nearby to escape inside but bears or animals are faster and stronger !!!
In my travels, bicycle tours and excursions in nature, when I meet bears and other animals, I can't think of doing a photo shoot. My thought would have been to leave slowly, leaving them to continue the journey and ensuring my safety.
Take pictures in the distance and at the right time with a good "close" lens, without disturbing the fauna.
This is a short story with wild animals and wild animals, which I love so much! :)
I firmly believe that it is wrong to kill bears and animals. .. Often they have no choice and have to look for new places to wander and adapt to us that we have destroyed are previously uncontaminated territories that we have destroyed.
Humans must learn to respect these creatures; they belong to the planet, the planet must be shared with them. Only in rare and extreme circumstances can we damage them in case of self-defense.
We don't have to destroy nature. It is the only way to live an ecological world with another life. This is the only path to follow that will keep our planet.
Flora and fauna - we will always be two friends on the same planet! :)
"Happy bear tracks & happy human foot prints" - Patrizia -
Bears in British Columbia/Alaska Photos by Patrizia
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