Here you will find pages of other travelers around the world who tell their adventures.

Vancouver Island Road trip in British Columbia Canada                                                                         (Added (08/2021)


All Of Italy By Bike With Assisted Pedaling

Added (05/2022)

All Of Italy By Bike With Assisted Pedaling

6300 km Circumpedaling all of italy

solo with an assisted bike...

Graziano Soldera

Man finishes 21,000-km hike across Trans Canada Trail in Tuktoyaktuk

Added (05/2022)

Dana Meise has finished an epic 10-year, 21,000-kilometre hike along the Trans Canada Trail. Meise is the first person to touch all three coasts on the trail and wrapped up his journey in Tuktoyaktuk, N.W.T....

Dana Meis

Lorenzo Jovanotti Cherubini - Singer (ITA)

Added (10/2020)

Lorenzo's film taking a ride in New Zealand, Aotearoa, South Island: 20 days on the road, 3000 km spent pedaling at the antipodes of the world and in the depths of himself.

To keep Lorenzo company on this trip there is only his go-pro, which...

Lorenzo Jovanotti Cherubin

Lahgetti (Lakes) di Ponteranica 2115mt (BG) Italy

Added (08/2020)  

Climb to the top of Mountain Ponteranica 2,115 passing by the path of Passo dell'Avano.

Monte Valletto is located in the Orobie Alps along the watershed that divides the upper Val Brembana from the Valtellina, with Monte Triomen and Monte Ponteranica,

Dante Colombo

Edmonton woman hiking across Canada to set record

Added (08/2020)

Sarah Jackson has spent the past 330 days walking across Canada through two blistering summers and one freezing winter.

She hopes to finish her journey in St. John's in March 2017...

Sarah Jackson


Across Labrador Wild by Canoe E.3: 83 Days, 1700km.

Added (10/2020)  

Professional Adventurer-Explorer Justin Barbour shares his expeditions and outdoor life. In 2017, Justin and his dog Saku trekked 1700 kilometres across Newfoundland’s wilderness by foot, snowshoe and pack-raft. The popular YouTube series of that trip can be viewed above...

Justin Barbour
