Canada - Coastal Circle Tour British Columbia
Circular road tour along the Coastal Circle Route - from the Sunshine Coast to Vancouver Island, to Nanaimo (the island of Vancouver where the capital of British Columbia is located, Victoria.
The circuit is surrounded by picturesque coastal landscapes and a rural environment in many parts of the circle. Immense rainforests and coasts forests with lakes, intriguing First Nations sites, rivers without forgetting the wildlife gracious welcoming seaside villages and magnificent beaches.
On this trip we cycled with my traveling companion and her dog, who she kept in the handlebar bag with a safety belt. The little dog liked to look around and during stops she would walk and play "fetch the ball", which obviously she needed to stretch her legs. Fun for both!
- Parksville Qualicum Beach wonderful sandy beaches, art galleries including the splendid art of the first nation. Nearby is a small town of Coombs, where there is a country market with goats on the roof.
Starting Place: Vancouver
Ending Place: Vancouver
1° DAY: Vancouver to Saltery Bay
Camping in Saltery Bay
2° DAY: Saltery Bay on Qualicum Beach
Camping in Qualicum Beach,
3° DAY: Qualicum Beach in Vancouver
Total pedaling days: 03
Total distance: 304 Km
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