Left 9:00 AM from beachfront hotel, a hot day.
Continued east on the old national highway to Kornith. There is a great sight at Kornith, which is a narrow bridge over a narrow gorge. Before Athens there is a gorgeous section along the water with wonderful views and low traffic. The last 20 or so km into Athens, however, can be a bit brutal in terms of traffic.
More or less flat until after Ithsmia, then very beautiful section until outside Athens. Nice to see the Parthenon from quite some distance out. It is hard to find hotel. Smog and dust in air makes eyes read and sore. Stayed in Chancres Hotel - expensive but good.
Left 9:00 AM from beachfront hotel. Hot. More or less flat until after Ithsmia, then very beautiful section until outside Athens. Hard to find hotel. Smog and dust in air makes eyes read and sore. Stayed in Chancres Hotel - expensive but good.
103.4 KM
Cycle Tour #3: Day 22
October 01, Xilocastroa - Kornith - Athens 103.4 Km