We started the day at Jerzu 8:30 AM
After Jerzu, link up with highway 125 again when there is a good downhill stretch as you wind through quiet countryside with some very beautiful mountain vistas past Tertenia and down to Muravera. The lower you get, the more the vegetation changes to become motre topic. After Muravera you start to clim again - you will find uphill followed by downhill you eventually get to about 420 metres at Arcu Nericu then it is more or less down to Cagliari.
Try to get to the centre of Cagliari (is the capital of Sardegna) and off the main highway, as it gets a bit crowed and will wind you around the long way - I would recommend following any signage saying "centro" - ignore signs that talk about getting to the Port as there is a big industrial port far past the town that you don't want to end up at (as we did).
Once in the port you will see there are several options with respect to picking up a ferry - such a destinations will be available as Genoa, Rome (Civitavecchia), Naples, Palermo and Trapani. Once you have chosen your destination. Therefore, consider spending a night in Cagliari and take in some of the sights as well as get the best deal for a ferry and stocl up on munchies at a grocery store.
Cycle Tour #03: Day 09
September 18, Jerzu - Calgary 129.7 Km