A late start, left Venice about 10:15 - 10:30 AM. Took bike path opposite side of causeway - a bit of walking on side of road to get into Mestre. Then Zelarino (all flat) - Maerne - Noale (hotels) - San Dono (woman gave us coffee) - Messanzago - Camposampiero - San Guistina in Colle - Villa del Conte - San Giorgio in Bosco - Gazzo (nice stretch!) - Lanzé - Vicenza.
Vicenza it is a small and very quiet city that is located between Venice and Verona that we visited after the day spent riding the bicycle and we walked through the streets of the centre aimlessly, we saw masterpieces of wonderful Renaissance architecture buildings. Paladino designed and built most of his masterpieces here and nearby. Such a beautiful city!
Cycle Tour #3: Day 32
October 11, Venice - Vicenza 77.2 Km
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