Cycle Tour #3: Day 29
A big drop in temperature for morning of arrival, cloudy, about 7° C. A very cold day, unseasonable. Snow in nearby towns reported. Relatively easy day of riding via Monfalcone to Grado. We recommend a visit to Grado (the old town). Sort of a small size Venice - clean, many hotels and camping sites.
From Trieste, parallel the cost west toward Monfalcone again (it is backtracking, but unavoidable as otherwise would enter Slovena. After Monfalcone, we pick up the samll country road to Grado. The riding is pastoral and easy, although the narrowness of the road may cause a little inconvenience. Grado should not be missed - it is a beautiful venetian style modern town with an unbelievable assortment of hotels and campsites. It is purpoted to have been built before Venice and has 7th century basilica worth visiting.
Trieste is worth a good visit and among other things noteworthy is the city where the author James Joyce chose to live out his later years. Trieste has many visiting ships from ports in the Adriatic and Mediterranean, including Greece.
October 08, Trieste - Grado 55.2 Km
