Left Taormina at 8:15.
From Taormina, it is a sceneic road with lots of curves and small hills and relativity easy to Messina. There are a series of small ocean resort type towns such as S. Teresa di Riva, Furci, Ale Terme, Scaletta and Galati.
Messina is a bit rough - typical of a port town. There are several ferries available that run about once per hour across the Strait of Messina to Reggio Calabria.
Reggio is very rough - it is the capital of the province of Calabria. One of the most fitting things told to me by an Italian was that Calabria was like a land without a state. Calabria is a wild place, with many signs of government abandonment. However, once you cycle northeast past Calabria, it is very beautiful having stretches of empty beaches and small towns. As well, the people are the friendliest I have encountered in Europe. A simple request for directions or a small purchase will invariabilt lead to enthusiastic interest in your life and all details will be wanted. Ofetn, merchants would do something very strage - they would round the price down. For example, if you purchase film for $6.50, they would only want $5.00. Calabria is a very expensive place.
Then passed through rough roads next to sea and on to Melito di Porto Salvo - found a small 1 star hotel in centre - not bad.
Cycle Tour #3: Day 14
September 23, Taormina - Melito 103.2 Km

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